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Artifact type: Historical

Duffy’s Malt Whiskey Bottle

Q: What kind of liquor was taken in the cell by said prisoner? A: Duffy’s Malt Whiskey In November 1888, Private Frank Darlington, company K, 23rd infantry, was court martialed

U.S.Q.M.D. Plate

This plain white plate is mainly of interest due to the initials stamped on the back. U.S.Q.M.D. stands for United States Quartermaster Department. The Trenton China Company, of Trenton, New

U.S.Q.M.D. Tumblers

These Quartermaster Department tumblers were excavated from the same dump as the plate. They were originally clear. Manganese was added to glass as a de-coloring agent from the mid-1880s until

Engraved Bone Brush Handle

This bone brush handle, found outside the fort, may have belonged to a soldier. It is engraved with the name or initials “ED.”

1895 Penny

On September 16, 1895 the U.S. army marched out of Fort Mackinac for the last time. The fort, military reservation and Mackinac Island National Park were turned over to the

National Park Drug Store Bottle

This pharmaceutical bottle was manufactured for the NATIONAL PARK DRUG STORE, DR J R BAILEY & SON, MACKINAC ISLAND MICH. The Bailey family ran a pharmacy and general store for

Bone Button Blank

This piece of bone is scrap from the making of bone button backs. A circular drill was used to cut bone discs from flat pieces of animal bone. These bone