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Brand New Cannon at Colonial Michilimackinac is Shining Example of History and Craft

Come be one of the first to see Michilimackinac’s latest addition in action: a new 6-pound cannon!

IMG_3160 Delivered last week, the cannon is an exact reproduction of a light 6-pound traveling gun. During the 1770s, the British kept two of these bronze guns on Michilimackinac’s parade ground, ready to defend the fort in the event of an American attack. Mounted on a highly mobile carriage with large wheels, these guns could throw a 6 pound cannonball nearly a mile. Although never used in anger, British soldiers fired the guns to celebrate the King’s birthday and other ceremonial events.

IMG_3155Our new gun was constructed in Pennsylvania, and the barrel is copied from an original British piece on display at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh. Jymm Hoffman of Hoffman’s Forge handcrafted the gun’s ironwork, and the carriage was built by Mooney’s Custom Woodworking, whose craftsman also hand-finished the ornate cast bronze barrel. Purchase of the gun was made possible by Mackinac Associates.IMG_3136

We hope you’ll join us at Colonial Michilimackinac to see the new gun in action. Firing demonstrations take place daily until October 9. Hear the cannon’s roar, watch the smoke billow, and step up to get a closer look at this new piece of Michilimackinac history!