The Necessity of Regularity in Quartering Soldiers: The Organization, Material Culture and Quartering of the British Soldier at Michilimackinac - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

The Necessity of Regularity in Quartering Soldiers: The Organization, Material Culture and Quartering of the British Soldier at Michilimackinac

The Necessity of Regularity in Quartering Soldiers: The Organization, Material Culture and Quartering of the British Soldier at Michilimackinac

An overview of the logistics of the British garrison at Michilimackinac, with a particular focus on the 1769 barracks building.

Author: Brian Leigh Dunnigan
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
Illustrations, Bibliography, 80 pages, Softbound, 1999
Price: $12.95