Culinary Creolization: Subsistence and Cultural Interaction at Fort Michilimackinac, 1730-1761 - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Culinary Creolization: Subsistence and Cultural Interaction at Fort Michilimackinac, 1730-1761

Archaeological Completion Report Series #18

In Culinary Creolization, Jenna Carlson examines how the coming together of Native American, French-Canadian and British people at Michilimackinac influenced their traditional diets. Faunal material is the most common class of artifacts recovered archaeologically at the site, and Carolson’s study builds on a long line of foodways research there.

Author: Jenna Carlson
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
ISBN: 978-0-911872-90-3
Illustrations, Tables, Bibliography, 138 pages, Softbound, 2012
Price: $48.95